My 2021 100DayProject, becoming one part of many people and perspectives committing together to create. Here is what I wrote when I started:

One of the (painful) parts of the creative process is sharing, and being part of this collective project will include elements of putting it out there — what I’m working on, learning, processing, and putting into practice. I invite you to join me these next few months by engaging over what I’m sharing — commenting, asking questions, following up with me — or even pursuing your own project as well! I’d love that.

My project will be 100 days of writing, centered around finding my voice. I’ll be making my way through many journals I’ve written over the course of my life, using what I read and feel as prompts to respond real-time — either to my younger self or how what I processed then impacts here and now. I plan on tracing the story of my life, tracking different parts and pieces — hoping to find themes and connections I otherwise wouldn’t.


The Fourth Trimester


What To Expect